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Reiki is a healing technique that works on all levels. A treatment session is usually done in person by myself the practitioner performing gentle hands on healing techniques or sometimes hovering the hands over the body in order to strengthen the person’s life force and remove blockages.

The healing powers of Reiki are extremely profound and they work on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Reiki is extremely effective for physical issues but it is also just as effective for emotional issues such as stress. This is because it heals you on the emotional level, teaching you how to relax. Reiki treatments also completely relax you, and it is this utter relaxation that helps to reduce and eliminate stress from your life.

Why Reiki?

The healing powers of Reiki are extremely profound and they work on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Reiki is extremely effective for physical issues but it is also just as effective for emotional issues such as stress. This is because it heals you on the emotional level, teaching you how to relax. Reiki treatments also completely relax you, and it is this utter relaxation that helps to reduce and eliminate stress from your life.

Conditions such as headaches, nervous tension, insomnia, joint or muscular pain have been known to be relieved and in some cases completely eradicated following a course of Reiki treatments.

Reiki also helps to heal the past emotional traumas that you have suffered and have repressed. This is important as these traumas have a negative effect on you, preventing your self development and making you feel as if you cannot be yourself. Once these traumas are healed and you feel as though you can be yourself again, you will become much better able to cope with the situations around you, thus reducing your stress. Essentially you will be able to see the bigger picture and realise that the things that you thought mattered really didn’t matter at all. Reiki will also help you to stay away from situations that can be harmful to you, which are generally stressful situations by nature

The energy flows from my hands to your area of need, soothing pain and relieving stress or upset. By revitalising your innermost feelings these energies will help you to move forward in your life with more confidence and ultimately give you the strength to reach your goals. My own personal journey has brought me to this wonderful way of healing and I want you to benefit and share in the natural treatment of what Reiki can do for you. Reiki is the most natural way of reaching a state of pure relaxation.
Reiki can be used as a standalone treatment or it can be used in conjunction with other complementary therapies or orthodox medicine..

How much does Reiki cost?

Reiki treatment costs £35 per session.