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Hypnotherapy is a well-recognised healing state of mind, orginating from the Greek word ‘sleep’. With eyes closed, clients experience a relaxed and safe way to indentify and develop meaningful alternatives to their present unsatisfactory ways of thinking, feeling or behaving, through a trance-like state.

Hypnotherapy enlists the power of the client's own imagination and may utilise a wide range of techniques from story telling, metaphor or symbolism (judged to be meaningful to the individual client) to the use of direct suggestions for beneficial change.

Get in touch for a no obligation chat about how Hypnotherapy may be able to help you.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation with focused concentration. Hypnosis happens naturally to most people daily such as when we daydream, while driving a familiar route, reading a book, or watching a movie. Hypnosis is simply being in a relaxed state with a focus.


With eyes closed, clients experience a relaxed and safe way to indentify and develop meaningful alternatives to their present unsatisfactory ways of thinking, feeling or behaving, through a trance-like state. It is particularly useful to break negative thought patterns, bad habits or feelings of anxiety.


Hypnotherapy is a safe and natural process of working with your conscious and subconscious mind to empower you to overcome many issues, some of which are mentioned above. The successful uses of hypnosis are vast as it targets the mind which effectively controls our feelings and any psychosomatic and physical issues such as pain and dis-ease.


Is it Safe and Am I In Control?

Clients often hear and remember what is said in the session. During Hypnosis you are Awake and Aware and have Control of everything you say and do. It is a safe and natural state which you can choose to enter, or come out of, at any time you wish. The Hypnotherapy session is always controlled by You, the Hypnotherapist only plays a guiding role.out of, at any time you wish. The Hypnotherapy session is always controlled by You, the Hypnotherapist only plays a guiding role.

How does Hypnotherapy Feel?

Have you ever been so focused on a TV show or so entrenched in a good book that you don't hear your family talking around you or even your dog barking? This experience is somewhat similar to how you might feel while hypnotised. Many people say they feel calm and relaxed despite their increased concentration.

Hypnosis usually is done with the guidance of a health care provider using verbal repetition and mental images. During hypnosis, most people feel calm and relaxed. Hypnosis typically makes people more open to suggestions about behaviour changes.

How Does Hypnotherapy Work?

Every human has a series of beliefs running in their subconscious mind. Some are helpful beliefs, but others are unhelpful. Unhelpful beliefs can cause: sadness, depression, low confidence, addictive behaviours and fear of flying, etc. All these beliefs are kept in place by what is known as the Conscious Critical Faculty. Once you decide to change an unhelpful belief, I will assist you to bypass the Conscious Critical Faculty and replace unwanted beliefs with new healthy and helpful beliefs. This is a powerful and often life changing experience as you can begin to notice changes immediately.  

Hypnotherapy is a natural and safe process and is often quite enjoyable. In fact, most clients report feeling calm, positive and relaxed at the end of a session.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation with focused concentration. Hypnosis happens naturally to most people daily such as when we daydream, while driving a familiar route, reading a book, or watching a movie. Hypnosis is simply being in a relaxed state with a focus. During hypnosis, you are aware of everything being said and are in full control of yourself. It is similar to being in a daydream where you can snap yourself out at any time you choose. Most clients report that hypnosis is a very pleasant and relaxing experience that they enjoy.

Does hypnosis really work?

Yes, and it is one of the most pleasant and natural therapies available! It puts you in charge of your own mind and outcomes with no side effects. The evidence for hypnotherapy being an effective tool for emotional healing as well as pain control and physical healing is well documented.

How much does Hypnotherapy cost?

A consultation and treatment costs £60. This will typically take 1 hour.

Do you have a question or would you like to make an appointment?

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