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Communication is key, Find out how you love, how your partner loves and how you want to be loved ?

Make time to talk!

Communication is key, find out how you love, how your partner loves and how you want to be loved?

There are only four love languages !

Do you have demanding jobs, different schedules, and in the little time you spend together you prefer to rest?

This whole rhythm of life can make monotony make its way into the life of the couple and end up affecting the sex life. Use all means of help to avoid getting as a person and as a partner in such a situation.

Time for discussion can be found, regardless of the busy schedule. The important thing is to want this together! In the evening after bedtime, at the end of the week or in the mini-vacancy you can find the time needed to share your thoughts, but also your ideas.

Just by talking you can solve couple problems, but also understand your partner’s behaviour in certain situations.

Good and bad things in the bedroom

Even if your sex life isn’t as intense as it was in the first years of the relationship… that doesn’t mean that things have to be left to chance. Especially since the sex life of the couple goes through various changes, such as the period of pregnancy, many things end up disliking one of the partners.

Therefore, communication plays a key role in solving couples’ problems. The important thing is for each partner to tell the other what things have changed, what they don’t like, and what they want from the relationship, including in the bedroom.

Small encouragement can make a difference

In most cases, we blame our partner for things we don’t like. It is easier to do things like this than to think about how to correct the situation. Quick fixes do not always bring the best results.

Therefore, try to remind him on various occasions what are the things you like about him, the things that make you happy. These simple exchanges are gifts that make your partner feel loved and appreciated, which can only benefit your relationship.

Don’t forget the little surprises

Have you been together for some time and things are not as passionate in the bedroom? Even if the fatigue of the day makes you choose to sleep first of all, remember that only you and your partner can keep the passion present in your sex life.

The little confidences that ignite the desire of the partner, the pleasant surprises, such as a bath with foam and the music in surprise, compliments , kind words, humour are just some of the ingredients that make the passion stay as long as possible in the life of the couple.

Remember what first attracted you to each other , understanding your partners love language is key.